Mary Liwanag Yoga

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Brain Building: Pilates Take 2

I returned to the Pilates studio today and tried Flow 1 with a different instructor. It was a delightful experience. Today’s instructor gave concise, clear cues, referenced pertinent anatomy, reminded us to breathe and encouraged the students to take variations that felt good in their bodies. It was all I could do to not shout, “Yipee!”

The class included reformer, mat, springboard and cable work. It was fun, and yet, had the challenges that I anticipated. While my legs have been carrying me hither and yon for years, my arms have apparently just been along for the ride. My arms need discipline and strength. The cable work and springboard arms will sort this deficit out in short order. I like the precision and repetition of Pilates. Repeating a move allows me to get it right and gain a sense of mastery. We all want to do a thing well.

So what about you dear reader? Have you tried a new activity? Age does not matter. Trust me. I took ballet for the first time at 20 years old. I loved dancing and music as a child. I tried cross country skiing for the first time at 51 years old. My sister Kathy and I went skiing in Park City, Utah. We were actually going to skip the lessons because we thought, “How hard can it be?”. We did take the lessons; it was still challenging. My legs were on fire, but we made memories and we learned a lot!

What activities did you enjoy as a child? Baseball? Soccer? Gymnastics? Running? Swimming? I invite you to find a new physical activity to try. Do not worry about becoming an expert. Your job is to be a student. Build your brain, enhance your physical health and improve your mood. Be well.