Mary Liwanag Yoga

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How Does a Yoga Teacher Relax?

I am a yoga teacher. I have a “yoga voice.” I spend a lot of time speaking about equanimity and relaxation. Yet, yoga is my vocation and not always the way I relax. So how do I tap into my parasympathetic system? How in the world does a yoga teacher relax? I cannot speak for yoga teachers everywhere; I can simply share what works for me. It’s usually NOT yoga.

I spend a lot of time taking yoga courses, writing yoga sequences and practicing yoga poses. It recently became clear to me, that I was burning myself out. Even the books I read are all about, you guessed it, yoga! I needed a method and after some reflection I came up with four steps that work for me: Creativity, Air, Learning and Music. (CALM)

Creativity can be interpreted very broadly. It can be any of the arts (visual arts, singing, decorating, cooking, puzzles or even organizing) I love to paint, but I haven’t painted anything in the last 3 years. I want to change this. In the last week, I have tried several new recipes, put outfits together differently, walked home different routes and even watched a documentary.

Air for me is getting outside and walking. The options are endless. Play with a pet outside, enjoy a sport, walk, go to a park or simply sit outdoors. I have been paying more attention to the spring wildflowers on my morning walks and it is soul refreshing.

Learn something about a field other than your own. I have a friend who is an early education teacher. I really enjoy learning how she approaches teaching and creativity. She always maintains a respect for the student’s individuality, a quality I admire and want to emulate.

Studies confirm the power of music. I have begun listening to music every morning while I drink my coffee. I am experimenting with various frequencies to see if I feel different. Solfeggio frequencies are associated with different types of healing. According to the BetterSleep app 285 Hz is associated with rejuvenation, 396 Hz with healing anxiety, 432 Hz with general healing and 528 Hz with emotional release. If healing frequencies sound too far out, classical music is linked to improved blood pressure, better sleep and less pain.

Finally, there is yoga. I am grateful for yoga, but I have to pace myself. I need to take days off. I need to vary my physical activity. I love dancing and biking and want to make more time for them. As for my dear yoga, it IS relaxing to take a class from someone else. Being a yoga student gives me a fresh perspective and a needed break from leading. I hope that these ideas help you find rest and renewal. Rest is a crucial complement to activity. Rest well friends.