Mary Liwanag Yoga

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How To Be A Rest Rebel

In our modern world we text, post and snap all day long. Immediate feedback gives the brain frequent bursts of dopamine. We find this rush addictive. What Social Media Does to Your Brain This pace contradicts old adages which tell us “ count to ten when angry” and “slow and steady wins the race.” While social media has a wonderful ability to connect us, honoring a slower pace and moderating our online presence can help modulate the nervous system. U Penn Study on Limiting Social Media Pairing social media moderation with mindfulness 32 Mindfulness Activities and breathwork helps encourage brain and emotional health. In fact, your breath contains an important reminder of the necessity of rest: the tactical pause.

In the Army, a tactical pause is a deliberate choice to stop, realign, refocus and refresh. The Tactical Pause is used by savvy commanders in both ordinary and chaotic scenarios. Your very breath has a natural pause between the inhales and exhales. Modern society glorifies the ability to work, but often overlooks the necessity of rest. Plants are growing long before they pierce the soil. The same is true of human beings.

Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith identifies 7 types of rest: physical, mental, social, spiritual, sensory, emotional and creative rest. She suggests starting with the area that has the lowest battery. You can take her quiz here: Rest Quiz

Confucious wrote “A seed grows with no sound, but a tree falls with huge noise. Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet.” Rest is not an impediment to progress; it is an essential tool. Step outside expectations. Be a Rest Rebel and then go out and do great things.