Mary Liwanag Yoga

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The Gift of Right Shelter

Samuel Coleridge said that “Friendship is a sheltering tree”, and it is, but not all friendships or shelters are equal. Different storms require different shelters. If you’re caught in a light rain a sturdy tree might be a good option. However, tornados and thunderstorms require an indoor refuge far from randomly flying trees.

My grown son recently stopped over. He had a hectic week at work. He wanted to play with the dog. He also wanted food that somebody else (me!) had cooked. Amidst the remnants of my moving boxes, he rested, ate and chatted. He even spent the night. His little visit filled me with gratitude. He is grown and has his own life, but if we can provide him sanctuary and unconditional regard in the midst of chaos, my move is worthy. To be home to someone is an honor and a privilege. The right shelter of safety and peace can encourage spiritual reset.

Where do you find shelter in your life? Do you carve out time for quiet? Do you seek the counsel of certain friends that feel like home? Do you seek peace in nature? Do you spend time in prayer or worship? This week reflect on right shelter. Know where you find sanctuary. Have those activities, places and people in your tool box. It’s crazy out there. Know where to go when the going gets rough. Be well.