Mary Liwanag Yoga

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What the Grinch Knew

I grew up in a very Christmassy, very Catholic, home. We went to church and my parents sang in the choir. Mom had a Hummel Madonna that waited in the middle of the Advent wreath. (I cracked that Madonna by accident, but that’s a story for another day) There were all matter of delicious treats. My favorites were the gingerbread men and the peanutbutter cookies. I loved eating cookies for breakfast on Christmas. Finally, there was a Christmas tree and my sisters and I loved to decorate it.

My adult home is quite a contrast. I live in a no decorating zone. When I tell you that I am the only one that cares about decorating, please believe me. My people argue every time I ask them to put up the Christmas tree. No one cares about the advent wreath, and I walk a fine line between persuasion and demand when it comes to church. So how do I make peace with nostalgia and my current life?

As a yoga instructor, I am a big believer in our ability to change our default response to situations. You can do it on and off the mat. So, I took some time to ponder my reaction to my no nonsense companions. My people don’t have to like decorating. I think I really enjoyed it because it was time spent with my sisters. They make me laugh. When I am with my sisters I feel seen. So it isn’t really about the decorating at all. It’s about connection. Connection I can do! So, it might not look the same, but it’s there. While my son worked on charts for work, I baked some things he likes and made some homemade soup. We laughed and told stories. Perhaps, like the Grinch, the true meaning of Christmas came through? My heart was full.

My wish for you this season, is that you look beyond the shiny, sparkly surfaces and rest in the heart of the season: Relationship.

May you feel seen, may you have peace and may you walk in the Light. Merry Christmas, friends!