Breath Break: Breathing Flowers

We breathe all the time, but we often take our breath for granted. Focusing on the breath can help us pay more attention to the body and mind. In her book, Flowers in the Dark, Sister Dang Nghiem MD suggests the Breathing Flowers practice.

Sit comfortably. Allow your hands to rest palms up on your lap or the arms of the chair. Breathe in and slowly close your hand into a loose fist. Exhale and unfurl the fingers. You can start with one hand or two. See what feels right to you. Try 5 to 10 breaths to start. Sister Dang writes, ”The moment that you notice you’ve forgotten your breath is the moment you begin to be mindful again. Simply continue where you left off. Being kind and nonjudgemental with yourself is also a practice.”

You can add imagery to your practice by visualizing the flower of your choice.

Chicago Peace Rose

If you want to refine the exercise further, add visualization. Bring to mind a flower of your choice. See it resting in your palm. Note the color, the texture and even the fragrance. Does it bring up any feelings or memories? When I visualize a rose it makes me think of my Grandpa’s garden. You can apply the same breathing flower exercise to your chosen flower.

If sitting still is overwhelming, start out by walking in a park or garden Antique Rose Emporium. Get used to quieter environments then try sitting. There’s no deadline to beat and no standard to meet. The first step is to slow down, then listen. Try breathing flowers and let me know what you think. Be well,


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