Healing Laughter in a Sinking Boat

Instagram is such a fun tool. maryliwanagyoga You can get craft ideas, recipes, fashion advice and of course, yoga poses. The other day I was scanning through strengthening drills, as one does, and I came upon a twisted version of boat (Navasana) pose. I thought those dangerous words, “How hard can it be?” (Read a breakdown of Revolved Boat Pose)

Undaunted, I went directly to my mat, I launched into my standard “in progress for sure” boat pose. I bravely looked at the horizon, twisted and collapsed to the side. Then, I started laughing. Now, this wasn’t the laughter of a an irreverant yogi, rather a healing yogi. My default response to difficulty is to swear profusely, berate myself and wallow on the mat reviewing a possible career change. Not this day. There in my capsized boat, I found my laugh and I felt joy. For the first time, I reframed the fall. I thought it was great that I had the nerve to try the pose, despite the fact that my lateral strength is a work in progress. I am not a failure. I am bold.

So dear yogis, is there something you want to reframe this week? Something you’ve tried? Something that did not go as planned? Observe yourself this week and see if you are ready to make a change, even one that seems small. Louise Hay wrote that “the point of power is always in the present moment.” You determine your response. You chart your course. Life on and off the mat can be daunting, but you choose your response every, single time.


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