Meraki: Finding My Soul Work

Meraki (may-rah-kee)is a Greek word meaning doing something with soul, creativity or love. At 60, I have done numerous jobs that I have enjoyed, tolerated or even hated. But when I found teaching yoga, I discovered something that aligned with my soul.

It started one day as I stood in my kitchen contemplating my son’s graduation, new job and a new season of life. It occurred to me that I could make not just a choice, but a bold choice. I had already tried working in jobs I was qualified for and that I thought I should do. What if I did a job that I felt called to do? Could I do a job that I actually enjoyed? It was like a little window opened up in my soul and I heard a quiet “Yes.”

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.


I enjoy helping people move, breathe and find their yoga. I love to see them do things they didn’t know they could do. I like being in a job where I freely talk about going within, getting quiet and listening to your own voice. I am profoundly grateful that I have the opportunity to quietly pray for people while they enjoy a rest in savasana. I relish discussing philosophy, different religious views and ideas about the soul. I have found a job where I move from my center out. I am humbled and happy. I have found my meraki.


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