Noticing the Good, Unfolding the Heart

I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding. John O'Donohue.

The yoga studio is lovely. Housed in a renovated mill, it boasts beautiful exposed brick, lavender handsoap, and a good selection of classes. The instructor included lots of options and made people welcome. It was a nice change to simply enjoy a class, instead of teaching. Still, it is not my Texas studio and I miss my students.

Church was lovely. The message was warm and on point. The people were friendly, but I long for my old church. My heart aches for the known while my mind is curious about the unknown.

I am over the threshold now, well into the new place. My heart misses my friends and students. I can still love them, but to live my best life I need to keep an open mind and heart where my feet stand.

What a great lesson in being present! How do I process the heartache and allow the new?

I find honoring the old and acknowledging my feelings is the first step. I need to be quiet to process my feelings.

The second step is to stay present and open-minded. Before Texas, I didn’t know Monique, Julie, and Sue, my cherished military Mom Group. I didn’t know my soul sisters Aneya and Jen. Texas gifted me my yoga mentor Pam Milner and my love for yoga teaching. The same will be true here; I just can’t see it yet. There are friends to be made, joys to be shared, and lessons to be learned.

As John O’Donohue wrote, “I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.” I will focus on the present, the kindness of Georgia friends, the friendliness of neighbors, the nearness of family, and the beauty of the river. When I notice the good, I can create heart space for unfolding joys, experiences, and even new friends.

Embrace the present, friends. Be well.


The Problem with Oatmeal


The Invisible Gifts of Yoga