Surprised by Vinyasa

This is 60. Find your yoga. I can help.

I knew that I wanted to do a 300 hour program, but I wasn’t sure where to do it. Covid made in- person programs scarce. I had taken some Glo classes with Jason Crandell Jason Yoga and I really liked his emphasis on anatomy. I read about his 300 hour vinyasa (flow) class: grounded in anatomy, live calls with Jason, in-depth practice—it sounded perfect. I said, “I believe in myself. I am going to do this.” So I signed up for all three modules. Fast forward to my first 90 minute practice.

I began the asana practice while visiting my son in Georgia. “Ma, how long is this class?” he asked. I replied that I did not know. What I do know is that I was ready to tap out at the one hour mark! I rested when I needed it. I took child’s pose, early savasana and water breaks. I sometimes felt like crying. Okay, I did cry a little. Both my body and my ego got huge workouts.

I stayed with it. I did all three modules. Each module is a 12 day intensive program. Every day requires 3 hours of lecture, a 90 minute to 2 hour practice and a 2 hour zoom meeting.

I got stronger. Much to my surprise, as I approach 60, I am in the best shape of my life. I found that I love vinyasa (flow). It is a challenging and comprehensive workout.

Don’t be afraid of vinyasa, but make it your own. If you need to modify, modify. If certain poses are not available to you, I can help you figure out what works for you. One of the biggest things that I’ve learned is how to break a pose into its building blocks. Learn more about incremental training in this blog post: Walking a Tightrope

I learned to do crow on my back, and seated crow, long before I balanced on my arms. As you gain strength and muscle memory, you begin to put the pieces together.

All of these poses are Bakasana (Crow)

It is a gradual process. Your edge is further out there then you realize. Be patient and consistent. Above all, when you decide to believe in yourself, go with your whole heart; do not sell yourself short. You got this.


How to Walk a Tightrope


The Power of Being Present