The Stuff of Miracles

In the Bible (John 2:1-11), the wedding at Cana details Jesus’ first public miracle. At the request of His mother,Mary, Jesus comes to the aid of the wedding hosts. They have run out of wine. Jesus turns water into wine that is of a very fine vintage. This surprises the hosts and guests alike as often cheaper wines are saved for the end of the party after guests have been drinking. The details are familiar, but what is the focus of this story? Some writers suggest that Jesus chose a wedding for his miracle to underscore the sanctity of marriage. Maybe. For me, the central idea is bigger. Why did he perform a miracle when he felt His time had not come? The answer is simple: Love. His mother asked Him for help. He loves His mom.

I probably won’t turn water into wine, but following Christ’s example, I can love when I don’t feel ready or qualified. A willingness to act out of love may ease a situation, may curtail my ego or even open my eyes to options that I did not consider. Love is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible. It is the central theme. “Love never ends. But as far as prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end.” (1 Corinthians 13:8) Love is our link to the eternal. Love is the stuff of miracles.


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