Creating Balance

As I hopped around on one foot, I wasn’t afraid of falling. Rather, I was amazed that I was still standing! Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthitta Hasta Padangusthasana) takes flexibility, strength AND balance. I used to think of balance as a state you reach where nothing happens. The writer Jana Kingsford says, “ Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.” The physical postures of yoga (asana) demonstrate this beautifully.

Warrior Three Pose, above, is a good example. If you were to see me do this pose in person, I would look like I was standing still. Yet, there’s a lot going on here. My right foot is rooting down and my right leg is pressing up. My hips are trying to level with each other. My front abs are engaging. Finally, I am pushing back through the lifted left foot and forward through both hands. My balance is created through the harmony of action and rest.

It’s no different in other areas of my life. In order to have balance off the mat, I do better if I give attention to various areas of my life: work, family, friends, hobbies and the one I tend to skip, REST.

We need physical, emotional and mental rest for balance. Some types of rest are easier than others for me. I welcome being outside, gardening and watching old movies, but my sleep is a work in progress.

How do you rest? Which area of your rest needs attention? Listening to classical music is beneficial for the nervous system. Maybe try listening to Mozart? Try a few minutes of quiet.

Sit outside and get some fresh air. Start small. Sit quietly and do nothing for 2 or 3 minutes. I know that these are outrageous suggestions in a culture that worships busyness.

Check in with your body and note how it feels. Feeling emotionally frazzled? Call or visit that friend whose company feels like home. You know who they are.

So back to me hopping around on one foot. I was balancing. It is an intentional pursuit. There is always something moving. Sometimes we see it with the eyes. Sometimes we feel it with the heart. Balance is found in how we respond. Be well.


The Power of Being Present


Yoga to Go