Yoga to Go


 Always check with your doctor before trying an exercise regimen. No exercise or breath work should cause anxiety or pain.


1.    Seated Mountain

Sit in the middle of the chair — don’t lean against the chair back. Gently rest your feet on the floor. Lightly press into the 3 points on the bottom of the feet: where the big toe joins the ball of the foot; where the pinkie toe joins the ball of the foot; and the center of the heel. Each foot forms a separate tripod for balance.

Firm the belly below the belly button---like zipping tight jeans.

Seated Mountain

The shoulders drop away from the ears and move slightly together on the back to float the chest open. Chin parallel to the floor. Hand position choices: in prayer at heart center; palms up for inspiration; or palms down for grounding. Breathe in and out through the nose — take 3 to 5 relaxed breaths.


2.    Half Sun Salutation

Inhale, raise the arms. Look up.

Exhale, bring the palms together, and then down to heart center. Coordinate your movement with the breath. If you like, visualize creating a circle of white light around you as you raise your arms. As you bring the hands to the heart, imagine the light pouring into your heart space. Feel free to close your eyes if you find it more relaxing. Repeat 5 to 10 times.


 3.    Locust

Sit in seated mountain, let your arms fall to the sides, palms face front. Inhale. Exhale, and move the arms back. The palms face forward, the chest stretches, movement is from the shoulders and chest. The seat does not move.

Start with one set of 10. Work to up to 3 sets of 10 over time.


4.    Lat Pull Downs

Make your arms into goal posts on either side of you. Elbows are shoulder level. Palms face forward. Inhale slowly — reach the arms up until arms are straight, palms forward and arms parallel to the sides of the head. Exhale, and slowly return to goal post arms.

That’s one. Do 10-12. Work up to doing 3 sets of 10-12.

Goal Post Arms

This exercise works the arms and upper back.


5.    Hand Exercises

Open and close hands x10. Gently roll wrists one way and the other.

Massage center of palm with thumb of opposite hand.

Massage each finger from base to tip with forefinger and thumb of opposite hand. Switch hands.

6. Lotus hands

Start with arms in front of body, straight out from shoulders, palms down. Dip hands down bringing backs of hands together, fingertips graze the chest. Elbows drop, hands come to prayer at heart, thumbs touch chest. “Bloom” flower by keeping pinkies together, thumbs together, and “blooming” or opening the three middle fingers. You can take the lotus flower to the crown of the head on an exhale if you like.

Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Padma (Lotus) Mudra

The Lotus flower has roots in the mud, but seeks the light and blooms on the water’s surface.

This mudra is said to open the heart center and settle the mind. It may be used to focus meditation.


7.    Barrel Rolls

In Seated Mountain, leave the palms down on lap. Lean the torso forward and make gentle circles one way and then the other. You can stay taller and make smaller circles, or lean forward and make bigger, wider circles. Make 5- 10 circles each way.


8.    Walking in Place

Stay seated. Legs bent, feet gently resting on the floor. Lift the bent right leg, place it down, and then lift the left bent leg. You are walking while sitting! Right then left, make one complete exercise. Do 15 sets.

Next, lift the right bent leg and hold the leg up for 3 breaths. Do not hold the breath. Keep breathing gently in and out of the nose. Place the bent right leg down. Lift and hold the bent left leg up for 3 breaths. That’s one set. Do 5 lift and holds on each side.

9.    Leg Lifts

Start in Seated Mountain. Feet resting on floor, legs bent. Extend the right leg and rest on right heel. Left leg stays bent. Gently press left foot down. Firm lower abs. Hold on to seat of chair, or have hands in prayer. Lift right leg 15 times, then point and flex the foot. Do the same exercise on the left side.

Now with a bent right leg, add cactus arms. Arms either side of head, palms forward, inhale the arms so that they are parallel to the sides of the head. Exhale, lift right bent leg and pull arms into goal post shape. Inhale, arms up and leg down. Do 12 repetitions. Switch sides. Work up to 3 sets of 12 on each side.


10. Seated Wide Forward Fold

Take knees wide, feet at a 45-degree angle. Bring torso forward, parallel or at a 45-degree angle (if you are holding thighs) to earth. Rest forearms on inner thighs, or shins. Gently press forearms into legs and legs into forearms. 2 or 3 breaths here. You should feel a stretch in inner thigh and hips. Go slow here. Leave knees wide, slowly return torso to upright.

With knees wide, inhale arms above parallel to ears, palms face each other. Reach through fingertips, let right arm rest on right thigh and exhale, stretch left arm over your head to the right. You should get a stretch from the left hip through the left fingertips. Do this side stretch 3 times on each side. When done, bring legs back to parallel, bent legs. Hands in prayer. Take a breath.


Chair Seated Wide Forward Fold

You may take the torso parallel to the earth as shown, or stay higher up and rest the forearms on the inner thighs. Do what is comfortable for your body.

11. Savasana

Sit in Seated Mountain, hands in prayer or resting on your lap. If hands are on the lap, let the palms be down if you would like more grounding, palms up if you need lift or inspiration.

Do a body scan starting with the feet. How do they feel? Take your attention to the shins, the knees, now where the body meets the chair. Feel supported by the chair. Bring your attention to the hips, let them rest.

Let your focus come to your belly, and let it soften. Let your arms be heavy. Let your jaw be relaxed — yawn and stretch the mouth if you like. Let the cheeks melt. Let the back of the head float gently back.

Bring your attention to your breath. Don’t change it. Notice the quality and pace of it. Now bring your attention to your mind. What is your tone and mood? Finally, what is the state of your heart?

12. Visualization

Bring to mind a color you find peaceful or beautiful. Inhale and fill the room with that color. Exhale, bring a bubble of the color to just around your body. Expand and contract your color bubble a few more times. Take a deep, slow, relaxing breath. Exhale and open your eyes slowly.








Creating Balance