Mary Liwanag Yoga

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How to Bloom

In Transplanting Lilies, I wrote about planting lilies from a local friend. Like me, the lilies have had a mighty struggle. They have browned and frayed under the Georgia sun. Some of the leaves had to be cut away. A few of the lilies met an early demise, crushed by the oppresive heat and neglected by a sporadic gardener. Yet a hardy few have had the persistence and resolve to bloom this week. So it got me thinking, what are the essentials for blooming?

A plant, in this case, a lowly lily, needs water, sun, a dash of miracle grow and time. But if you believe that all things have energy, they also need kindness. You won’t get far with plants if you force them. Gentleness and patience go far with plants, and people, in new situations. I trimmed the dead leaves back to encourage them. I even spoke to them kindly and touched them lightly.

My first few weeks here were rough going. If I were a plant my leaves would have been brown too. I left a studio where I was an established teacher and teacher instructor. I had my air conditioner leak in my kitchen. My Mom was ill. My house was full of boxes and all the newness of moving. I left my neighborhood and friends of eight years. But not unlike my lilies, people sprinkled me with kindness and I am the better for it.

No kindness is small. We never know what others are going through. To the new students who told me,” I am glad you’re here,” you may never know just how much these words meant to me. To the new friends who invited me places and let me escape the chaos of unpacking, you gifted me perspective. To old friends, who checked on me when I got quiet, you gave me nourishment. My roots are robust now. I am ready to bloom. Be well, yogis.