
"I write to discover what I know."
Flannery O'Connor

Finding True Strength
Leah Silverman Leah Silverman

Finding True Strength

The myth of ‘No Pain, No Gain’ has been taken as training truth for many years. Guest blogger Leah Silverman reflects on how Yoga has taught her to recognize pain and honor her body.

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The Costumes We Choose
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

The Costumes We Choose

Halloween is known for costumes, but we employ masks throughout the year. Yoga can help you peel away your masks and live more intentionally.

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The Gift of Savoring
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

The Gift of Savoring

We are all too ready to rush from one activity or event to the next. Guest blogger and yogi Leah Silverman explores how yoga has strengthened her ability to savor the moment both on and off the mat.

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A Tale of Two Scissors
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

A Tale of Two Scissors

Who were you before the world told you who you should be? You have a unique light that the world needs.

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Sleep Hack: The Light Bubble
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Sleep Hack: The Light Bubble

We all have trouble sleeping sometimes. Find out why sleep is essential for health and learn my favorite sleep hack: The Light Bubble.

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The Light You Hold
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

The Light You Hold

Scientific research supports the use of mindfulness and meditation to increase self-compassion and physical health. Love and compassion are the invisible powers of the human heart.

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How To Be A Rest Rebel
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

How To Be A Rest Rebel

Busyness is like a badge of honor in modern society. Are you ready to be a Rest Rebel? Learn how in this blog post.

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Breath Break: Breathing Flowers
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Breath Break: Breathing Flowers

Sitting still for meditation can be ovewhelming. Try this simple breathing flowers exercise from Flowers in the Dark by Sister Dang Nghiem MD.

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Finding My Balance
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Finding My Balance

If you try hard things you will fail sometimes. Yet you may also uncover strengths and talents you didn’t know you had. A look at my work with balance and Crow pose.

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Grateful Shoes: Walking Through Hard Times
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Grateful Shoes: Walking Through Hard Times

Grateful Shoes looks at walking through hard seasons. We all have them. Yet we also have the ability to decide our response to the situation. When we can see the good despite our circumstances, we grow in surprising ways.

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Healing Laughter in a Sinking Boat
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Healing Laughter in a Sinking Boat

Can you choose a new response to difficulty? I have been actively seeking the joy of boldness rather than my ego lately. Read about my progress.

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Five Tips for Better Sleep
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Five Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep is vital for physical, mental and emotional health. Start sleeping better tonight with Five Tips for Better Sleep by Dr Sally Coulthard.

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Going Out on a Limb
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Going Out on a Limb

Trying new things is fun, except when it’s not. But perhaps fun is not the whole story. Maybe you learn more when you come up to your edge?

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A Cup of Quiet
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

A Cup of Quiet

Taking a break has long term physical and emotional benefits. A pause can be as simple as noticing your surroundings or enjoying the company of a loved one. Take time for a cup of quiet and fortify your ability to deal with stress.

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Even Hummingbirds Meditate
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Even Hummingbirds Meditate

Hummingbirds are known for their high flying acrobatics and speed. Their energy comes from the power to rest and recharge.

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The Importance of Little Things
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

The Importance of Little Things

Little moments collect and make the big moments of our lives. Here’s to savoring the present, small beauties. They very well may be the biggest heart moments.

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What Plants Know About Love
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

What Plants Know About Love

A poet wrote, “Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” How can you nourish the light in your loved ones? What is their love language? What is your love language?

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Pranayama Video: Viloma Breath
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Pranayama Video: Viloma Breath

Viloma or Layer Cake breath is a technique that involves short pauses. The benefits may include improved focus, stress reduction and respiratory health. Learn more here.

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Brain Building: Pilates Take 2
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Brain Building: Pilates Take 2

I recently tried my second Pilates class. I loved it. It directly supports my goal of improved upper body and core strength while requiring me to learn new skills. Trying a new exercise fortifies body and mind. What will you try this month?

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Heal Yourself with EFT Tapping
Mary Liwanag Mary Liwanag

Heal Yourself with EFT Tapping

What is EFT, or tapping? It is a drug-free, alternative modality that may help with anxiety and chronic pain. Guest blogger and yogi, Janice Sherman, explores this tool and offers a video demonstration here.

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